Thats my girl! Recently, Barbara from called Booper gorgeous on her site after I posted the link to a pic of her on here! And that she is! I adore her in a different way than the other kitties! Today I find out if what I have been going through is an abnormal period or a miscarriage. I have an appt with my OBGYN this afternoon. My PCP thinks I way have a uterine fibroid but I doubt it since I have none of the symptoms! Regardless, I am getting butterflies in my stomach and my heart is racing a bit! I am not only worried about possibly miscarrying, but also that maybe my new iv med is not working they way it should on me. Ok, worried is an understatement! I am scared!
It's time for the 2nd Annual Practical Magic Blog Party created & hosted by the wonderful Anna of Frosted Petunias ! My sincerest apologies for getting this up rather late! The adventure that is post Hurricane Irene cleanup & repairs has been taking up too much time recently. (sigh) Things are a mess; I only started decorating for Autumn yesterday and I'm missing Halloween decorations! Luckily my broom is always safe and sound by the front door so at least I don't have to wonder where it is. (Not that it hasn't been known to scamper off now and again - naughty broom). I was afraid, quite honestly, that I wouldn't even get a post up sometime today! I kept hitting dead ends with every other one I tried. But, this morning I sat here at the computer and it flowed. Thankfully! I would have been so disappointed if I'd missed this, it was such fun last year! As some may remember from last years party, while I like the movie, (and love that house!), I love the...