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An Enchanted Garden Party

Welcome to my


To visit other participants,
please head over to the Practical Magic Blog Party 2010 blog.

I must say that while I think Practical Magic the movie is adorable,
I think the novel is incredible.
And that is where I gleaned my inspiration from for these festivities.
Gardens are mysterious, magical and enchanting, don't you think?

Now follow me out into the garden, I have everything all ready for you,
including music! (Turn your volume on).

*Update: Music has reverted to my regular Fall soundtrack, 9/28/2010*

For all of you non Practical Magic Blog Party folks, head on over to NJ Through My Eyes where I've posted 2 new slide-shows today; one is a preview of a new project I'm working on!


What a wondrous slide show! I haven't read the book (can't get hold of it in large print), which is a shame as I do usually prefer books to films. I'm loving the blog party so far, lots of beautiful treasures to behold and your post is perfect!
Leanne said…
Yea glad you are joining in too!

Our plans are underway - it is Saturday here & the kitchen is brewing up a storm.

Loved your photos & phrases

Love Leanne
Thank you so much Susan! I hope you're able to get a hold of the lp version of the novel, I loved it cover to cover!

Thanks Leanne! I can't wait to see your post! This has been so much Fun!
How inventive!!! Love the pictures of the moon...and the background song is my favorite..!
Anonymous said…
My PC is possessed and todays issue is no sound so I am going to come back for the full effect.
Happy to have found you on the party trail.
Thanks apinkdreamer! Glad you stopped by!

I'm sorry about your pc issues dogsmom and hope they clear up quickly! Thanks for stopping by!
Paula said…
Thank you so much for the tour through your magical garden. I so enjoyed my time with you and plan to come back soon~
Happy magical blog-hopping!
Thanks for stopping by my post~
Kelly said…
Ooh great pictures of the moon! I love to photograph the moon, but it seems to not want to cooperate sometimes~ Great shots!! :D
Jen said…
What a beautiful post and I am now inspired to tidy up my sad little garden :)
{Daydreamer} said…
FUN! I brought little Jilly and Sally along. They really liked your garden. So much in fact, they cast a little spell in the grass - if you know what I mean. ;)
Beautiful photos, btw.
Sarah Sullivan said…
Oh oh oh oh I loooooved that..and yes I am thinking of Peanuts LOL!
Beautiful pictures and words too hon!
Nice to meet you Jo..wonderful party sending breakfast brownies your way!
Blessings, Sarah
Joni Nickrent said…
Fantastic Practical Magic Blog Party post! Enjoyed the slide show! Have a magical day!
Thank you Paula and you're welcome! Glad you enjoyed your stay here!

Thank you Kelly! I know what you mean about Moon photo's - most of mine are blurry because I end up moving while trying to take the pic, lol!

Thanks Jennifer! And no garden is sad, I'm sure yours is beautiful!

LOL daydreamer! I know what you mean :-) Thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you all had a good time!

Thanks so much Sarah! And I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking of the Peanuts at that moment, lol! Thanks for stopping by, great meeting you!

Thanks Pop Art Mini's! Glad you stopped by!
Unknown said…
Hello There! Thank you for leaving such nice words on my blog! I LOVE your slide show--I love gardening also, and yours is just enchanted (I especially love your familiar--err--cat!)

Have a magical day! :)
Wendy Aspinall said…
wonderful and magical post and your garden it is beautiful.

happy spells Wendy @blissangels
Thank you for your lovely "Practical Magic Party" post!

Gentle hugs,
Being Sweet Aunt Bridget, for the day
Lisa said…
Love your slideshow. Fun version of lime in the coconut, too. :)
Lenora said…
Great slide show! Love the b/w candles and the moon through the branches! Join us too us for more Practical Magic at Practical Magic - How To Make A Magic Wand
Victoria said…
Fabulous and magical post..gorgeous show...i am enchanted by all the beauty!
thanks for visiting me
Anonymous said…
Awesome slideshow! I brought a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing! Angie
Kandes Naylor said…
Cackle, cackle ...
Double, double toil and trouble
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

Come visit for a witchy give away ...
Unknown said…
Jo, what a beautiful post! I've enjoyed spending time in your garden and will be back another day when I'm not blog hopping to all the Practical Magic posts today!

. . . perhaps one more cup of tea . . .

Blessed Be,
Linda said…
Hi Jo, love the garden TY for dropping by. Linda :)
Shayleah said…
I enjoyed your slide show...a lot of time an dlove went into it!

Thanks for inviting me to join your garden tea party...I had a fun time and loved the tea leaf reading! ;) Blessed be!
Faerie Sage said…
Ooooh I love videos!

My link has not been added yet but feel free to stop by at
Scrap Vamp said…
Thanks for the video and a fun visit!
Thank you Samantha!

Thanks for stopping by Zan Asha and you're welcome!

Thanks Wendy!

Thanks so much Sweet Aunt Bridget :-)

Thanks Lisa! I couldn't resist that version of Lime in the Coconut!

Thanks Lenora! I dropped by your post and loved it! What a great idea!

You're welcome Victoria and likewise!

I'm glad you enjoyed it Angie! Thanks for stopping by!

Thanks Wendy!

I'm intrigued Kandes!

Thanks so much Teresa! Good to meet you and glad you enjoyed it!

You're welcome Linda and thank you as well!

Shayleah, a lot of time and love did go into this - I had so much Fun! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks Faerie, I'll stop by soon!

Your welcome Scrap! Thanks for stopping by!!
A wonderful slide show! I need to read the book again. I think I will start it tonight.
And your pictures of the moon are gorgeous!
Birgit said…
Beautiful photos -- thanks for sharing!

-- Birgit
Truly amazing post! Lovely photographs and story! That version of Lime & the Coconut is so much fun!

Thanks for sharing the little bit of witch in you!

I really can't come up with words to express how awesome I think your party is! Steve Miller band and all! Each picture has so many little things to catch - the green moth/butterfly? - your tarot cards, stones... just spectacular
thanks for sharing and visiting me
cheers, dana
Anonymous said…
Hi Jo! Oh my what a lovely post/presentation you put together for our Practical Magic Party! I LOVE it! I am just having TOO MUCH FUN visiting all of these blogs and seeing such magical creativity! I'm a movie fan but I think I need to buy the book now...

Lots of magical wishes, dreams and blessing to you and your family!

xoxo Valerie
Wendy said…
What a great slide show. Yes I am thinking of the great pumpkin already. Loved all the pictures. Magical.
Spells and Wishes,
Wendy from wonderland by for more magic and a giveaway
what a wonderful slideshow! awesome! Thanks for sharing
Anonymous said…
great picture post. I'm reading the book now, love the movie too, but the book is different.
Thank you blue china studio!

Aw, thank you Incipient Wings!

And thank you for stopping by Brigit!

Thanks so much Blanche, I'm glad you enjoyed your stay!

I'm so happy you enjoyed it Dana! Thank you for the kind words and you're welcome!

Thank you Valerie, so sweet of you! Likewise!

Thanks Kelli!

Yes jasperandblue, the book is very different. I like them both but I adore the book!
Thank you for such a delightful tour around your garden. You even got a chuckle out of me with the runaway broom. Too cute. ;) It's clear your garden is part of your home.

Faith, trust, and faerie dust!
Anonymous said…
blogger is giving me fits today...hope this comment doesn't get posted a million times.

Loved your moon shots. The harvest moon has just been beautiful. Happy Practical Magic party. I have to get the book. The book is always better.
Thank you for your Practical Magic Party post, even though I am a wee bit late, getting here.

I've seen your smiling face, in Comment Icons, all over PM Party and had to be sure to stop by. :-)

Gentle hugs,
'Auntie,' who is being "Sweet Aunt Bridget," for the weekend
Aimee Jeffries said…
What a fun and beautiful garden!Purrrrfect :)
Sorry I am late to your party! What a lovely Practical Magic party slideshow. Your garden is lovely and what a cute little familiar. :)

If you haven't already done so, please feel free to come and visit with me:

What a wonderful post! Love your presentation! I hope you'll come "fly" over to my blog and see what I have been brewing!
Anonymous said…
Wonderful party post. Love the slide show!! Brightest Blessings!
Annabelle said…
This was so very lovely and I adore your banner,quite beautiful; it has such a romantic feel to it....simply enchanting.I haven't read the book as yet but have it reserved at the library,promises to be a good read and now even more so. Had a great visit,thanks.
Annabelle * *
* * ~^..^~ * *
Sparkster, my garden is very much a part of my home and my soul, thanks for stopping by, glad you enjoyed it!

Aw, thank you Aunt Amelia! So sweet!

Thanks Lisa! Glad you were able to see it!

Thanks Aimee!

No worries Theresa! One is never too late for a blog party! Thanks for stopping by!

Thanks Michelle! I'll be sure to do so!

Thanks and likewise Elysian Fields!

Thanks so much Annabelle! I love creating my banners, glad you enjoyed it and the party!
Oh happy day! You don't make your Readers do the *dreaded* Word Verification, here!

Thank you!!!

Gentle hugs...
Susan said…
Great slide show! I just bought the book, can't wait to read it. But I adore the movie so!

I went to the other blog even before reading this post and became a follower, I tried to post but it wouldn't let me.
I am also from Coastal NJ. I am in the most southern part of Ocean county, near LBI but on the mainland. Also a bit westerly, in the fringe of the Pine barrens. In fact our little "village" is one of the "lost villages of the Pine barrens. We have one of the last remaining one room schoolhouses here and one of the oldest (now used as a church only).

Anyway, lovely post.
Petunia said…
Hi Jo! I'm dragging my broom behind me but I'm so glad I made it to your party. What a truly enchanting post. I could spend the whole day in your beautiful garden and be inspired by oodles of magical thoughts. Thank you so much for being a part of our party and for adding to the magic and fun. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the tea party! Have a beautiful day and a bewitching season.

Susan, I'm sorry about the posting problem on my other blog, hope it doesn't happen again! You live in such a lovely area! Thanks for stopping by both of my blogs and for following my photography blog!

Anna, thank you for stopping by and for your kind words, not to mention helping to create the Practical Magic Blog Party! I've had so much Fun with this and can't wait for the tea!

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