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Showing posts from October, 2020

Seasonal Reading Update

Pub Day: This Secret Thing by Marybeth Mayhew Whalen

Happy Pub Day to Marybeth Mayhew Whalen. This Secret Thing is out now! In my book (pun intended 😁), Marybeth is the Queen of small town/suburban suspense & intrigue while getting to the heart of relationships, and This Secret Thing didn't disappoint! I read it in the equivalent of one sitting. Such a fun and engrossing read. 5 stars! Some favorite passages: "She was like an impersonator: She could make herself sound like her peers, but she wasn't." "Sometimes you didn't need a leash to keep you in a place, Violet thought. Sometimes you just chose to stay." ""The best thing I can hope for is that someday you'll find it in your heart to forgive me. For letting you down. For not being honest with you. For making mistakes."" Is This Secret Thing on your TBR list yet? 📚 Thank you again to Amazon Publishing for this gifted copy!