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A Walk Through The (Dis)Enchanted Forrest (Halloween Party Post)

Welcome & thank you for visiting my

For more Halloween fun today & throughout the weekend,

For more Halloween & Autumn Fun, check out my "Autumn Tuesday" & "Halloween Thursday" posts by clicking on their labels in the left hand column.

~Happy Halloween & Pumpkin Blessings!

*Update for those friends wondering, I put this together prior to surgery yesterday to make sure I would be able to post it for today! (Though it didn't post at 12:01am like it was supposed to). Anyhoo, I'm home and resting (uncomfortably). Surgery went well, my kidney tube and stone are gone! I have an internal stent on the left hand side but I'm okay with that because it comes out in the doctor's office in 2-3 weeks (no back to the hospital) and especially because it meant they could take that nephrostomy tube out! (The last nearly 2 weeks of that 15 weeks was rough with that thing, my body was simultaneously trying to heal around it and reject it - ick). It was a much more evasive procedure than I expected (given my stent surgery 5 years ago) and boy howdy am I feeling it today! But I'm snuggled up in bed, the winds howling & gusting outside, Halloween blog party hopping on the laptop, snoozing, reading Little Women & Artful Blogging and taking my meds. Now I am OFFICIALLY on the road to recovery!


Ohhhhhh I am so glad for this health update! I've been wondering... So glad it turned out so well.

Please have extra rest, just the same! It was surgery and your body had a shock, and your bod will be very happy to be given extra rest... I betcha'.

Gentle hugs...
Thanks for flying by. Great Halloween Autumn Post!

Glad your surgery went well. If these were kidney stones, remember to take a tablespoon everyday of EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil) to stop them from forming again & getting rid of any stone residue.

Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy

My Haunted Halloween Party Link:
Anonymous said…
Beautiful photos! I love those Fall colors!
Welcome to visit my Halloween party:
Danni said…
I'm so happy to see the pumpkin house made it into your Halloween Party post! Thank you so much for the tour of Sunrise Mountain's trails, for the spiked cider and cookies. :)

Perhaps when you've recovered from your revelry, you'd like to stop by and visit with me?

P.S... I'm glad to hear you're feeling as well as can be expected. Surgery yesterday and party today? You sure are one tough cookie. :)
Thank you Aunt Amelia! Much appreciated and I'm being very good to myself, snuggled up in bed today.

Lyndy, I have tried that (they could be renal stones which are different than kidney stones it turns out, we'll know soon) but it makes me so queasy, lol! Thanks for stopping by again!

Thank you Paper Pile Kitten! Loved your blog!

Thanks so much for stopping by Whimsical Cottage! I couldn't not put Pumpkin Cottage in this post, lol! And thank you for your good thoughts - I guess I am one tough cookie when I think about it! Of course I'll stop by to see you! Looking forward to it!
What pretty pics! Thanks for the hospitality :)

the queen of nostalgia
Leanne said…
Bet your glad the surgery is over -

You Halloween party post is well done - I'd love how to get a photo movie going like that!

Now rest up!

Love Leanne
Wendelou72 said…
Wonderful! I loved it!

Unknown said…
What a lovely party - beautiful photos!
You're welcome Kristen and thank you for stopping by!

Thanks Leanne, I'm glad too!

Thank you Wendy!

Thanks Lyn!!!
Princess Rose said…
Thank you for visiting my party ! I loved the walk on the trail and all the treats ! Hope you have a lovely Halloween.
Linda said…
Wondeful post. Thank you for sharing. Please visit me:
Renee said…
Oh I love the view of the trees and the music.

I hope you are taking it easy and recover quickly.

Thank you so much for coming to my blog.

I'm a follower of yours now.
Sara said…
How very lovely. A great idea for a party post. Thanks for sharing. xx
Natalie said…
Hehehe what a great slideshow :) Thanks for sharing!

This is my first blog-party and it's been so much fun so far!
THanks for stopping by my party. I'm glad you are feeling better. Have a Happy Halloween.
I had to reboot my computer due to some glitches so I could see your lovely photographic slideshow party. Hurray! Thank you so very much for visiting with me today. I hope you are on the road to's kind of fun to snuggle in bed with Little Women & Artful Blogging (except for the not feeling well part). Take care!!! :) Theresa
JoAnne said…
How creative! Loved the journey as much as the party!
So glad you are better! Thanks for inviting me! Have a wonderful weekend! Twyla
Lauren said…
What a fabulous party, I really enjoyed it! :) I hope you keep recovering and feel better soon! ~Lauren
Unknown said…
Thank you for the pumpkin blessings and a great party too! I hope you feel better soon, get your rest!

Your newest follower here from Vanessa's Halloween Party!~Lisa
Happy Halloween
Sylvia said…
Beautiful scenery...Enjoyed your hot cider and cookies. Have a great halloween...

Wonderful! Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed day!
OH JO!! Your healthy recovery and successful surgery are two huge reasons for us to celebrate!! You darling! I am so glad that uncomfy thing is out of you, and you can heal.... Hopefully the next 2-3 weeks go quickly too ;)

Much love! From all of us elves to you!

Oh and... I LOVE that squirrel photo, what a great photo reel you shared!!

Thank you for being here, and for sharing the magic!!

♥, Vanessa {A Fanciful Twist}
Unknown said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm glad you are on the mend! Happy fall!

Sandy xox
mermaiden said…
Halloweenish healing to you!
I am charmed by your photos and delighted you stopped by my blog today.
The wicker doll furniture you remarked about is mine from my childhood- glad to give you something to smile about :D
Be well. And more well!
Thank you one and all for stopping by and for your well recovery wishes!

And thank you dear Vanessa for your friendship, kindness and kindred spirit love of Halloween!
Jennifer said…
What a wonderful journey to take with you today, and the hospitality? Much appreciated! You are a wonderful host!

Hope you bounce back from your surgery quickly!
Unknown said…
What a lovely blog. So glad your surgery went well. Hope you recover quickly. It's nice to meet you.
Janets Creative Pillows
Susan said…
Hi Jo---One Jersey girl to another...first LOVED your post, and I'd love to know where those very cool stairs are and that lovely look-out. (we spoke at the PM party I am on the mainland by LBI)
anyway...I am a stone producer. I have had stents in...You might want to speak to your doc about having the stent removed in the hospital and being kept at least overnight. It is normal protocal to pull them in the Doc's office but about 2 out of 10 people have very sensitive uretors (I am one of them) and the uretor was so inflamed by the stent being in there, and then by the pulling out, that I passed out on the side of the road leaving the docs office with the first one. I had pulled over cause the pain was so bad a couple of miles away. (Thank God for cell phones) I called my hubby who was about 10 miles away at work. while waiting for him to arrive i passed out from the pain.

I hope you do not go through what I did. I have had a stent twice since then, and both times the doc admitted me for the retrieval, and kept me for 48 hours.

I hope you are feeling better every day!! much positive, comforting and healing energy coming your way.

Gentle hugs :) (a follower now)


come visit:
michelleK said…
Hope you are well on the mend. Lovely post and have the best Halloween party that you can! <3 Michelle
Anonymous said…
what a great halloween post and thanks for inviting me in!
have a magical halloween and sending good well wishes too
Anonymous said…
what a great halloween post and thanks for inviting me in!
have a magical halloween and sending good well wishes too
Scrap Vamp said…
Fabulous slide show! Thank so much for sharing it and inviting me to your party! I hope you'll come to visit mine soon!

Susan, thanks so much for your concern! I am sorry you had such a difficult & painful time after your stent removals. It's a hell of a process isn't it?! I didn't have any problems after my first stent removal 5 years ago. If they didn't keep me beyond a day stay for the procedure I just had on Friday, they definitely wouldn't keep me for a stent removal, lol! And being in the hospital is actually a bad thing for me unless absolutely necessary because of my weakened immune system from my arthritis because I can pick up infections so easily. I avoid hospitals as much as I can. Again I thank you for your concern! And I'll message you directly about those locations you asked me about!
I am so happy to meet all of you and thank you for stopping by! Your well wishes for my recovery absolutely warm my heart and I thank all of you for your kindness as well!
Anonymous said…
This was such a wonderful post. As soon as my computer is working better I am going to revisit.
(Loved the Linus & Lucy music.)
Perfect picture of the calico covering her eyes!
Molly Anne said…
My goodness dear, I'm glad you are resting up and doing better! Well you put together a fantastic show, I loved following along. "Someone spiked the cider" - haha! Just what I was looking for! ;)
Annabelle said…
Wishing you better health ahead. A comfy bed , books a laptop, plenty of the essentials are great company to help things move along to a quick recovery.

Happy Halloween !

Grab your broom and fly on over to THE WOOD BEYOND THE WORLD ( for your chance to win three of my original art prints…only comment required.

•*´¨*.•*´¨*~^..^~*Annabelle.•*´¨*.•* *
Lisa said…
What fun! This party is right up your alley, isn't it?!
what a wonderful party!
I love your photos!

Hope you'll come visit mine and my post(s) for all of October!
Elizabeth said…
Aw heck - get plenty of rest so that we can be enchanted by more postings like this in the future!

When you have the opportunity please come over for a visit!
Lenora said…
Rest well - we send you energy for recovery! Wonderful slide show and party! Great photos!

- please do come on over to our graveyard / party The Graveyard and feel free to add to our Shrine To Honour The Dead if you are so inclined! Blessings.
Hi Jo! Wickedly cute party! I enjoyed the pumpkin cookies! Yum! Wishing you a speedy recovery! Thanks so much for your sweet visit! :)
I'm so thrilled that you've all stopped by and touched by your well wishes (they certainly help!!!). This has been so much fun and I love meeting all of you and seeing others I've met before. And Lisa, you bet it is!!!
Laume said…
I'm glad you're home and feeling cuddled in and cheerful. I didn't know you were going through surgeries. I guess I can't complain about a dumb head cold then, huh! Your party video was wonderful! I'm glad I stopped by to visit.
Thanks so much for stopping by Laume! Good to 'see' you! :-)
Romeo said…
Wow! You are some kind of special! Posting and writing and putting together a video ahead of time so that you could still participate despite the surgery!!! Two paws up to you!!! So glad to hear that you are resting and on your way to recovery!

So enjoyed your video! Thanks so much for taking the time to put it together for us!


Romeo and "her"
Petunia said…
I'm so glad to hear you're recovering and hopefully comfortably as well. I love your beautiful slideshow and I can't believe you were back posting already. Thank you for stopping by and for all your lovely comments. I'm brewing my magical tea as we speak. See you on Saturday!
Jaala said…
This slideshow was so fun! Great pics! Lovely decorations and treats! ;) Hope you are recovering well. Sending healing thoughts your way. So sorry I am late for the party and thanks so much for visiting my blog! ;)
Róisín said…
Great party post, sorry I'm only catching up with it now! Also, glad to hear your operation went well :) I can empathise with you there, had an unsuccessful one myself several months ago and now I'm waiting on another. Hope the blog party took your mind off things! Happy Halloween!

Roisin x

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