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Traditions & Rituals: The Day After Thanksgiving

I hope all who celebrated yesterday had a lovely day!

The day after Thanksgiving, since I stopped working because of my health, has meant a cozy day at home filled with snacking on leftovers and watching Christmas decorating shows all day, a favorite, favorite guilty pleasure that I enjoyed so much! (And one I didn't admit to anyone until I told my bff G in 2008 lol!)

 Hold it. No, I do not shop on this day. I refuse for many reasons, but mainly because I worked too many years in retail & therefore too many Black Friday's and I relish the fact that I no longer have to leave our home on this day unless I absolutely have to!

 Anyhow, back to the topic at hand! Since that home and gardening network (that rarely airs anything to do with gardening anymore) stopped airing its' Christmas decorating show marathon on this day a few years back, I've had to find a new day after Turkey Day ritual to replace it with. Let me tell y'all, it hasn't been easy and I've been floundering with it the past couple of years, but this year things have gone better than expected.

This morning, Miss Boo & I snuggled up on the couch and watched Little Women (1949) while Hubbs was off doing things around the property. That moment when Marmee sees the gifts the girls have left for her under the tree after she returns from the Hummels... (sniffle sniffle)

My leftovers lunch, which Hubbs captioned: "What happened to Jo? She OD'd on Thanksgiving leftovers and exploded." lol!

After lunch, I discovered newly open, in shades of lemon yellow, Snapdragon blooms on the front porch. Snapdragons after Thanksgiving, following a hurricane? Such a treat!

Then I got to purging magazines from the coffee table and reduced two large stacks down to one about a quarter of the size of what I started with, plus reduced another pile to a single magazine. Straitened up the other side of the pantry too. (I re-organized the foods last week).  Locally, donations of magazines are not accepted (books usually are), but these are so out-dated, I would likely recycle them anyhow.

Purging is so good for the mind & soul! It really does make me happy.  I'm thankful Hubbs doesn't mind taking whatever I'm not donating out to the trash. (And later helping me bring donations (stuff not getting recycled) to their destinations).

While Hubbs ran out to pick up his prescriptions, I got a load of laundry going, witnessed a lovely sunset sky, then heated leftovers for dinner.
Hubbs ate in the livingroom so he could watch a movie and I ate in the kitchen so I could watch an interview with J.K. Rowling, which was utterly fascinating! Such an inspiration and a favorite author.

And now as the day winds down, it's time for a slice of homemade pumpkin pie and a cuppa tea before settling in with The Guernsey Literary And Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Anne Shaffer and Annie Barrows.

Rather a good day after Turkey Day indeed!

What are your day after Thanksgiving traditions & rituals?

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


Unknown said…
Sounds like a wonderful day! Love your amazing resilient snapdragons. I'm starting to think you should be a professional organizer :).
It was a wonderful day! As was today with my further purging of the magazines that we chatted about earlier. And lol on the professional organizer - that's quite doubtful (as I look around our home) lol! I can't get over the snapdragons either!
Lisa said…
Wow - you had a lovely day and still got something accomplished!

We do go out on Black Friday. I started going myself years ago because of some very good deals on toys. Now all of the women in my family go. While I do feel sorry for the employees (and REFUSE to shop on Thanksgiving Day), it's so much fun to go together and it's the only chance I have to get ideas for my brother's family.
I don't begrudge anyone their fun if they go out on Black Friday, my niece makes an annual thing of it with her girlfriends - to each their own :-) I am joyously happy to stay at home!

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