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Halloween Party

Dear Friends,

It is with Vanessa's blessing that I am extending my apologies to all of you for not having my A Fanciful Twist Halloween Blog Party post ready for you.
Hurricane Sandy is looming and we've cut our Autumn/October vacation short to prepare both of our homes, one in the mountains of Northwest NJ, the other 85 miles away & our full time home, a mile in-land from the coast in East Central NJ. So much to do! And while we are pretty much done here in the mountains, there's much more to do down on the coast.

I am utterly disappointed over not joining all of you tomorrow! I have joined in for the last 4 Vanessa has hosted and look forward to it as October draws near as I not only have a deep affection for all things Autumn, but for Halloween as well!

Also with Vanessa's blessing, I will have a belated post up and visit yours just as soon as I can!

For those in Hurricane Sandy's path: prepare asap, be safe & join me in praying/wishing (or whatever it is that you do!) that we're all spared the worst!

My love to all! XXOO
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


Keep safe Jo! No worries about Halloween, better late than never ;) I hope the weather doesn't get too bad! I can't believe how far reaching this storm is, it's scary to think it's gone all the way up to New Jersey!
Melissa said…
Sorry to hear that you couldn't join us today but when you get a chance after the storm do stop by and we can party later......

We're praying that this "Frankenstorm" turns out to be more hype than real.... stay safe and have a Happy Halloween!
Linda said…
I hope that nothing harms you. Please Be Safe...

Later on I hope that you will visit me:
Lola Enchanted said…
Oh dear.. Please keep safe... We are supposed to feel some effect from that storm as well...

plz stay safe!
Anonymous said…
I live in Florida and understand all too well how serious Tropical Storms can be...stay safe...and hope that you and your loved ones are well.

~ Misha/DawaiOser (Cosmic Girl)

Once you return safely and all is well, please stop by my contribution to the Halloween festivities. Here's the link to my party:
Anonymous said…
I live in Florida and understand all too well how serious Tropical Storms can be...stay safe...and hope that you and your loved ones are well.

~ Misha/DawaiOser (Cosmic Girl)

Once you return safely and all is well, please stop by my contribution to the Halloween festivities. Here's the link to my party:
Shell said…
I'm here in NYC. So we are bracing for Sandy too. Stay safe and warm through this.
Rhonda Roo said…
They took down the warnings in Florida where I am...I sincerely hope you are safe and secure, and Sandy spares you from crazy!

I'll be thinking of y'all~

xoxo Rhonda Roo
Beautiful Jo, keep safe, and we'll see you sooooon!!!

Thank you so much for being a part of this extra magical season!!

♥ Vanessa
Sylvia Smiser said…
Stay safe and dry! When you get a chance please come visit my halloween party. I am having a special giveaway.
Halloween Cheers!
Cameron said…
Better to be safe and sound....and celebrate when all danger has passed!
Sending well wishes your way!
Anne said…
There's always next year, my Dear ~ heck, just have Halloween year 'round! The important thing is for you to be safe!
The most important thing is that you and your family stay safe. We are hunkered down here in Connecticut. Am hoping that the damage is not as bad as last year's unexpected snow storm. What is happening to our Halloweens as of late? STAY WARM AND SAFE!
Thanks so much everyone for your loving well wishes! They mean so much to me!!! We are finally done prepping here on the coast & after prepping 2 homes for this hurricane in 2 days, we are utterly exhausted! The games begin tomorrow, still praying Sandy surprises us all in a good way and veers off to sea!
Tami Von Zalez said…
Wishing you safe harbor in the coming storm ~

Popped in from the Halloween Party 2012 blog hop.
Rachel said…
Hope you and your family are safe and warm. xx

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