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Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Taken Sat. on our front porch while enjoying the warmth of the sun on a chilly Autumn day!
At least I hope it does!

Hello dear friends!
Apologies for my absence here. I caught Hubby's awful cold & bronchitis and while I've had it since 9/30 when I awoke with the dreaded scratchy throat, it's been especially rough since 10/4. (That night I went to the doctor as I'd gotten progressively worse throughout the day).

I've been here at home for the most part, (talk about 'cabin fever' - ugh) trying to get some purging & organizing done when I'm able, resting when I'm not. My writing, what I have from my high school & college days, to the present is now condensed, past writings & journals in my closet, present projects in a bin which now sits on our pc desk. Speaking of my closet! The world must be coming to an end as it too is now neat & organized after purging! The entire shower is also clean enough to lick. Not that anyone would, but, well... It is.

On Thursday, I began journaling ideas for new columns here at Diggin' Around and I've come up with a few I'm excited about: "The Joy Of Home" which will be about how important our home is to me, especially during times of ill health, and the changes I'm making now as my tastes are changing; "Off The Shelf" will showcase what I'm reading & reviews of what I've read (instead of just using book titles as the post title); through "Mug Love" I'll share with you photos of my favorite mugs because I really do have a special place for them in my heart and I know many of you collect mugs & teacups like I do. Of course these will be in addition to long standing columns like: "Upheaval Into Revival," "In My Garden Today," "Wordless Wednesday," "(Not So) Wordless Wednesday, "Friday Favorites," "Living With Disease" and so on.

I've also been trying to come up with a new nickname for our home. I know, a tad silly, but these are the things my mind comes up with when sick! Last year, if you'll remember, I started calling it Pumpkin Manor because of my love of Autumn & Halloween, but this year it doesn't seem to fit for me, especially the "Manor" part. But, what to call our 804 sqft apartment home with humble back yard, garden & front porch areas? Twitter friend @modernmiagarden (click here for her delightful blog) suggested Bloomin' Retreat. If our home wasn't also Hubby's part time job (meaning he's the on-site manager for the complex we live in), "Retreat" might've fit. I came back with Bloomin' Bungalow, which she said she loved, but I'm still on the fence. Frost On The Pumpkin also came to mind.

Longtime, cherished bff G (aka @mezz98) was right, my heart was broken by the loss of my  And it still is.  And mom's stroke... But, it's time to reclaim myself.  Again. Make myself strong again as the holidays are just around the corner and they're going to be tough to get through this year.  Starting with my writing, blogs & home is helping.  (Finally getting over this darn cold & bronchitis will help so much more!)

It's a super balmy, Spring-like day here on the coast; more or less a repeat of yesterday. Not quite Indian Summer. A wee bit warm for me this time of year either way. Thank goodness for the gusty breeze! Rumor has it rain & t-storms are on the way. It's one of those days that makes you wonder exactly what Mother Nature has in mind... At least it makes me wonder! (I've become too preoccupied with weather in recent years and not because of gardening).

Friday we'll head to our northern home for over a week and now that I'm starting to feel better, I'm quite excited! We haven't been up since early September & it feels like months, not weeks. A nephew will be kitty sitting & holding down the fort while we're away. (He's been staying with us since September).

So much to do before we leave! And I have to get my annual A Fanciful Twist Halloween Blog Party post ready!  Time to get started. I've taken Benedryl & have Fabreeze allergen reducer spray in hand: Battle with the dust bunnies under our bed to commence!

Have a lovely day and there will be more from me quite soon!

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


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