That's not our car, it belongs to one of our residents, but that is our front porch. No injuries, no structural damage overall. Apparently just a scary accident. Very scary. I fully expected to find a car in our livingroom from the incredible amount of noise & movement the impact caused; our whole place shook, creaked and groaned. Scared the hell out of me! But it could have been so much worse and thank God it wasn't!
It's time for the 2nd Annual Practical Magic Blog Party created & hosted by the wonderful Anna of Frosted Petunias ! My sincerest apologies for getting this up rather late! The adventure that is post Hurricane Irene cleanup & repairs has been taking up too much time recently. (sigh) Things are a mess; I only started decorating for Autumn yesterday and I'm missing Halloween decorations! Luckily my broom is always safe and sound by the front door so at least I don't have to wonder where it is. (Not that it hasn't been known to scamper off now and again - naughty broom). I was afraid, quite honestly, that I wouldn't even get a post up sometime today! I kept hitting dead ends with every other one I tried. But, this morning I sat here at the computer and it flowed. Thankfully! I would have been so disappointed if I'd missed this, it was such fun last year! As some may remember from last years party, while I like the movie, (and love that house!), I love the...
Just didn't want you to think that Susan was the one.
Very scary accident...glad you're ok.