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Monday Musings

After two days of light snow on Friday and Saturday, we're gearing up for another "clobbering" of snow tomorrow into Wednesday (as per the Weather Channel's Breaking News twitter account). So far I've heard 6"-12"s and honestly, that's not a clobbering for this area; if it goes beyond that, well, we'll see! I'm probably one of the few (along with Hubbs) Jerseyans who is happy to be back to our climate of 4 distinct seasons! (dodges icy cyber snow balls thrown at my head)

Well January was off to a busy start last week with errands, doctors appointments, cooking for Hubbs' county American Legion meeting and the last of the Christmas-time gatherings with friends (one Thursday, one Saturday). Now the Christmas tree can come down!

Pinky kitty is doing great! His anemia has resolved per his blood work done Thursday and we're weaning him off the med which corrected it because prolonged use can lead to liver damage. If the next round of blood work at the end of the month shows his anemia is returning as he's on less & less of the med, he may have to be on a very low dose indefinitely but we'll cross that bridge if we come to it when we come to it.

I'm battling a nasty round of this sinus infection Hubbs and I are passing back & forth but otherwise doing as well as I can be at the moment. I could be better overall (pain and fatigue are High) but I've been worse so why complain?!

We took a 'day trip' up north to our other home so we could make sure all is well up there and neither of us wanted to leave! So Quiet. So beautiful. So peaceful. Brilliant blue sky, snow on the ground, the wind coming down from the mountain, the lake frozen solid, birds chirping, chattering and cawing. Sigh. Hopefully we'll be able to spend this coming weekend up there. (Have to see what the weather is like since Hubbs does snow removal down here). Today was our first time up there since the week before Thanksgiving. Too long. In no time being up there reminds me why we want to live, essentially, in the middle of no where.

Coming up this Thursday, (again, depending on the weather) is my in-person bookclub's first Winter short story meet-up; we're discussing "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. I highly recommend it, especially if you like psychological thriller/horror tales. A pleasant surprise; I didn't know what to expect. (Email me at with The Yellow Wallpaper in the subject line and I can email the short story to you if you'd like to read it). Next Thursday, the breakfast bookclub is discussing Then We Came To The End by Joshua Ferris (which I haven't started yet!) and the Thursday after that the evening bookclub is discussing The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd, an all time favorite novel of mine.

And of course there are the books I want to read on my own as well which aren't many but more than a few.

This Winter is going to be full of reading! Love that!

And writing too. Even better!

Hop over to New Jersey Through My Eyes for today's "Winter In The Country" photo post.
I hope where ever you are, regardless of the weather, you're safe & sound.
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


Yolanda said…
Jo I am glad to have found your blog. I know you from Good Reads. I love your profile pic.
Welcome Yolanda! Glad to see you here! (And thanks re my profile pic - blushing!)

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