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Join Me For Tea Under The Full Moon?

Psst! 'Tis quite a magical time of year ya know! Well, course you do, that's why you're here. How silly of me. What's that? Oh, you'll have to excuse me, had garlic knots with extra garlic for dinner this evening. One can never be too careful at this time of year. Let me go rinse again with some minty mouth wash.

Come in, come in! I'll just be a moment. 'Scuse cobwebs but they're in keeping with the season. The spiders are so generous to help with the decorating, aren't they? I've been a tad under the weather anyhoo what with the surgery last Friday & all so I haven't cleaned in a bit. You don't remember? I told you all about it here. That's why I'm not having a tea party here tonight but heading over to Frosted Petunias. You'll walk over with me, won't you?

There! I hope that's better. Oh good! I know, the sun is setting and the dark of night will be upon us shortly. I do hope the clouds and fog are good natured this evening and let the Moon shine through. Let's be on our way!

What a beautiful sky this evening!

Just look at how Autumn's foliage brightens at dusk!
Isn't it glorious?

Smell that? No, not the garlic silly, the heady scents of damp leaves and earth. Heavenly! And the apples. Smell the apples? All we need is a bit of cinnamon. I have some here in my cloak... What? Well of course I do! I said I'd bring the; well, chai is tea too, it has cinnimon in it and while I may not fancy it myself I know others do...

What was That?!

A squirrel?

Are you sure? Positive?

Huh, I thought I saw a...
Oh, nothing. Never mind. Let's just pick up the pace a bit. At this time of year, sometimes every snap, crunch, rustle and gust of wind gives me pause. Oh I know, but I can't help it. Do you know how many horror movies I've seen?! True, but I can't help myself with all of the scary movie marathons on cable at this time of year.

Oh my! Feel that? It's going to bea crisp one tonight. Thank goodness we'll soon have hot, steaming cups of tea to keep us warm under the brilliant white rays of Moon light. Now where are my gloves?

What? Oh look! We're nearly there! Yippie!
Hear the clinking of tea spoons in cups and on saucers?

I'm glad we're not so late that we've missed it!

To join me in more Halloween Moonlight tea party fun, please visit Frosted Petunias.

What could be better than tea with friends under the full Moon?


Anonymous said…
I always love your pictures. Very nice post.
Reading,Reading & Life
Magaly Guerrero said…
You are quite gifted, sorry I stop by so late, but I smelled something brewing and had to stick my head to see what it was all about.
Loved your Halloween tea party! Thanks so much for inviting me. Your words and photos were so wonderful.

I warmly invite you to come and visit with me and my little friends:

Enjoy the parties!
Aw, thanks Senora G! :-)

Thank you Magaly! I'm glad you stopped by, good to see you again!

Thanks & thanks for dropping by Theresa! Can't wait to fly on over to you!
Victoria said…
Gorgeous post..full of beauty and enchantment...pure magic!! love those trees!! dazzling!
Blessings and Sparkles
Danni said…
The foliage and the moon are gorgeous, but I'm a bit leery of that ghost! Thank you for stopping by and for inviting me over to visit. It's been a hectic weekend and I'm late with my visiting too!
Wendy said…
I"m so glad you stopped by for some tea with me and my family. I'm quite impressed with you, having a tea party while recovering from surgery is difficult but you pulled it off beautifully. I love those trees and could stay all night drinking tea with you. Thank you for being a wonderful hostess :)
Michelle said…
Wonderful party post! Love all those beautiful autumn photos! Thank you for sharing:)
Petunia said…
Oh this was just enchanting! I'm so glad I could join you for a walk to the tea party. That tree is beyond beautiful and I'm so glad I wasn't alone when we walked by that ghost. I love your beautiful pictures. I hope you're recovering nicely and I thank you so much for joining me for my tea party under the Halloween moon tonight. :)

Anonymous said…
Thanks so much for walking to the aprty with me. These woods can be spooky at dusk and outright terrifying after dark.
I do love the clear crisp air smell with just a hint of apple blowing through.
And the parties this evening are so much fun and full of unexpected surprises. (Is that redundant?)
Thank you Victoria!

Glad you made it D!

Aw, thanks so much Wendy! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself!

Thanks Que Bella!

Thank You Anna! I'm so glad you hosted this party and glad I was able to participate

Thanks for dropping by dogmsmom!

Once again this has been such Fun! Thanks to everyone for stopping by!

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