as i sit here typing this by our bedroom window, a few rumbles of thunder have sounded off in the distance, the balmy air is kicking up into a breeze and rain has begun to fall again. there was thunder early this morning too, while i slept, it woke me just enough. we're at an odd spot here for weather ~ the bay only a mile or 2 behind us and the ocean to its' right, only a few miles to our side, (though it's really all the same water, isn't it?!). we've been here just over 2 years and most of the time i still cannot tell in which direction the clouds are really moving! much of the time, storms circle over head because of those bodies of water and out front, seem to be going this way and out back, seem to be going that way! i have wanted to write about what i want to do with 2008 for some time, but i've been finding it very difficult to translate what i'm feeling into concrete, specific words that don't sound hokey (to me!)! i can tell you that these feel...
You are an amazing photographer, all round. And I love to visit people who are soooooooooooooo goooood at it. And learn to try things. :-)
Gentle hugs...