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Monday Musings - In The Works

Hello there Monday. We meet again. Comes too quickly, the start of yet another week, doesn't it?

If you scroll down the left hand column, past "About Me," "b.w.o." and my countdown to Autumn button (which seems to be a little ahead of itself), you'll come to an enchanting notice about the Practical Magic Blog Party coming up this Saturday, September 25th. Having recently read the novel (by Alice Hoffman) for the first time, I jumped at the chance to participate after stumbling upon it but until this weekend didn't have idea one for my post. I'm very excited to get working on it this week! Have you read the book or seen the movie? I've done both now. The movie is cute but I loved the novel. I was enchanted from beginning to end, no pun intended!

Oh, the idea for my Practical Magic Blog Party post, you ask? You'll just have to wait & see until Saturday my pretties...

And then there's the Halloween (Blog) Party on Saturday October 16th, just announced by Vanessa of A Fanciful Twist! Last year's party was SO much fun. I haven't started planning that post yet.

Another as yet to remain top secret mission, er, project of mine is that I'm working on a personal essay piece for a site which isn't my own! I'm tickled to pieces for the opportunity. (fb can be useful! lol)

Late last week, through fellow blogger Leanne's At The Good Life, I discovered several blogs written by women like myself living with chronic pain & illnesses and I cannot begin to tell you what a welcome sight they are for my sore eyes!
Over the last 9 months and especially since my unexpected illness and surgery this Summer, I've held back on that area of my life here (for many varied reasons) and while it's felt deeply wrong (because this is part of who I am), I've been unsure as to how to become comfortable again with sharing this part of myself. Until I discovered the writings and kindness of these women. They've inspired me to once again be who I fully am here and I couldn't be more thankful. You'll find their blogs in my "Those Like Myself Living With Chronic Illness, Disease & Pain" blogroll in the left hand column.

There's nothing new to report with respect to my kidney nephrostomy tube and stone situation. Hubbs and I have the first appointment with the in-network urologist this Thursday so an update will likely follow here shortly thereafter. (Nothing new unless you count that today I've finally figured out how to shower (instead of taking a bath) with this darn contraption sticking out of my back & side - only took me 2 plus month to figure it out but I'm glad I have! It's much easier to shower than take a bath with this thing).

I've been trying to make the best of this situation as much as I possibly can but truth be told I'm having a hell of a time and not just physically but emotionally as well. It's been a royal kick in the soul to say the least. Defeating. Discouraging. But, for now I digress. I just can't seem to get into much detail about all of this, even in my journal. One day I know I will. That day isn't today.

Switching gears: Autumn is nearly upon us and I really am just so excited! Halloween decorations are already going up little by little, the leaves are changing colors, my roses (as you can see in this post) are finally on their second bloom of the season (normally I've lost count by now) as are the tomato's (normally I'm swimming in tomato's, not this year) and the windows & doors are open wide to the crisp, fresh air from sun up to sun down. We've had a couple of days of wild, scary weather last week when nasty storms passes through (Thursday's storms included 3 tornado's, one in NJ and 2 in NY!) and I'm hoping that's the last of it for a while.

Hubbs reseeded the back yard on September 11th and we have grass growing again. Hopefully with daily TLC it will continue to grow and stick around this time. If not, it's patio stone time come Spring. (This is the third year in a row we're trying to get the grass to grow & stick around out back - I know when to say when).

So you've noticed there haven't been many gardening posts this year, eh? Well this has been my worst gardening season Ever. Was it the atrocious heat & humidity this Summer? Was it my inability to be there for my garden and care for it, aside from watering it, since July 4th weekend? Likely a little bit of all of that and reasons only Mother Nature herself knows. I've always said gardening is a lesson is patience, perseverance and letting go. This year is no exception!

Now I'm headed back to reading Gone With The Wind, which I'll be leading an online discussion of starting October 1st with the group Chicks On Lit. Maybe I'll see you over there! I've also got to get cracking on this month's in-person book club selection, An Arsonist's Guide To Writers' Homes In New England. Next year I'll be leading the (in-person) group discussions for Eat Pray Love (which I've read) and The Help (which I haven't read) both of which I'm really looking forward to! The book club has really turned into a great experience and I've made two, good friends from it and I'm enjoying our get-togethers in town. (With my closest long time friends spread out all over the place it's nice to have women to actually go out with again!)

If I think about it all, I start feeling overwhelmed!

Until next time friends...

(Pardon the appearance of this post towards the end! It looked great in draft, not sure what happened when I hit publish).


Leanne said…
Looking forward to seeing what your plans are for the practical magic party!

Glad you found some blogs you gel with. Watching dd's journey with ME/CFS I can help her live the best life for her. Her illness is not who she is. From a mothers perspective it stinks and totally unfair!

Love Leanne
Leanne said…

Have you met Crystal? she is also living her best life.

Love Leanne
Holli said…
You've sure been busy this summer!! Hope you're doin' ok :)
Thank you Leanne! I'll take a look at her blog soon. Thanks for passing the link along.

Holli, I haven't been very busy this Summer but I plan on being busy now that it's over & done with! (Good Lord willing!) Well, busy for me that is, which probably wouldn't be busy to many other people, lol!
Lizzi said…
Life's all about small victories like showers! And the absence of journaling and documenting tells a story just the same.

I'm anxiously awaiting fall-like weather. Today it is 109 and I'm wondering if we'll ever get back into double digits!
Yes, that's a great way to look at it Lizzi! I give you so much credit, I couldn't live with heat like that! (Hearing it could reach 90 nearly had me weeping).

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