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Thoughts Turn To Autumn

Over at My Spring Snow, my dear friend Brenda asked us to share with her our favorite part of Autumn and before realizing it, I'd gone on to write the following"

"I love everything about Autumn, except for it coming to an end, lol! I love the scent of woodsmoke and fallen leaves in the clear, refreshing air. I love the colors, the range of yellows, oranges, reds, purples and browns in nature. I love the sound of dried leaves being blown down the sidewalk on a quiet morning with the only other noise being crickets. I love the sights and smells of the first pumpkins and apple cider. I love being able to cook and bake without heating the house to an unbearable degree and making things like chili and stew again for the first time since early Spring. I love how Autumn fills me with inspiration and creativity. I love watching my garden wind down, seeing an unexpected pop of pink when a rose decides to re-bloom... I think I need to continue this on my own blog! LOL"

And so I didn't end up writing an absurdly long comment over there, I continue here:

I love the excitement that seems to fill the air during Autumn and having football on the TV on Sunday afternoons. I love having every window and door open from sun up to sun down and then some. I love oatmeal and steaming cups of tea in the morning. I love being able to enjoy the outdoors without the heat of Summer. (We get pretty humid at times here on the Coast year round so that's a constant as long as we live here). I love being able to spend hours around the fire and under the sky up at our home up North. (Because it's been so hot & humid even up there this Summer, we've only had 2 campfires since Spring!) I love when we get the occasional early snow fall up North, the white against the colors of Autumn is stunning! And as you all well know by now (or at least most of you do), I love Love LOVE Halloween and the month of October! Halloween is so much fun for me and gives me pure joy throughout the month. (Some get down once Christmas and New Year's pass, I get down when Halloween ends!) I love when the air turns chilly and it's time to break out the fleece! I love when it's cold enough to wear jeans again but warm enough to just wear a t-shirt with them. I love the rains of November (which we desperately need this year) and snuggling in amid candle light, books and tea while it pours. I just realized that every day of Autumn is a different sensory experience as it progresses and perhaps that's one of the reasons I like it so much as well. I believe I could go on and on, but I won't! (You're relieved, aren't you? I know you are!)

Now it's my turn to ask, friends, what do you love about Autumn?

(Photo of my Dogwood Tree in this post taken in our back yard this morning).


Leanne said…
here on the other side of the world - we are coming into spring. I JUST LOVE spring!

Love Leanne New Zealand.
I love early Spring, when everything begins to awaken from its' Winter slumber and colors begin to pop out one by one! Thanks for stopping by Leanne!
Lisa said…
Autumn used to be my favorite season but I've had such a hard time with it lately. It kind of makes me melancholy because I know winter is so close at hand. We had such a horrible winter last year, I think I'll spend all of fall worrying about it instead of enjoying the colors, the crunch, the football (never mind--I'll still enjoy that!), and the pumpkins.
Mrs. Fry said…
my two favorite seasons, Spring and Autumn.

thanks, Jo for sharing. It makes me excited just thinking about it!

And, I am so excited you are better and doing well and will be enjoying it to its fullest or should I say fallest. LOL!
LOL Brenda! Thank you, I'm happy too and looking forward to Fall like never before!

Winter is hard Lisa, especially when we can't stay home and enjoy snowfalls and ice because we know we don't have to go out in it. I hope you're still able to enjoy Fall this year. Take each day and season as it comes.
Lora said…
the leaves are starting to think about changing up in my hometown, and I thought of you when I saw the first yellow tree!
TheBookGirl said…
Autumn has always been my favorite season...When most kids were looking forward to summer and no school and the beach, I was the one who couldn't wait for September and new school supplies!

The things I love about autumn have not really changed since then...I still love new pens and freshly sharpened pencils...While we live in the city so I don't get to rake leaves anymore, that was one of my favorite things...the smell of the air and the leaves, and my mom's smile as I piled them up, only to jump in them and have to start all over...
This year autumn will be a little bittersweet for me as my daughter is starting college and I am adjusting to the idea that she won't be in the next room in the morning...
But, I will still go apple picking like we always did, and select the perfect pumpkin after compromising over the size with my husband :)
Mrs. Fry said…
Hey girlie, are you okay? You have been quiet this week! Hope all is well. I get worried when there is too much silence on your end.

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