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2009 Halloween Fete! (Saturday October 17, 2009) **UPDATED!** This shindig is still going strong!

I'm so happy to have had so many visitors already!
I must apologize for not being ready for you earlier!
I also apologize for the wacky font sizes throughout my post.
No matter how hard I try, I can't correct them.

If music doesn't begin playing shortly after your arrival,
scroll down until you see a purple music widget begin to load in the left hand column and wait until you hear the music before scrolling back up here.

Happy Halloween Fete 2009!
Love and Spookiness to All!
(Continue scrolling down until the end of the post)

Outside, it's a gloomy & cold day here on the NJ coast. Many a restless Spirit wander here on days like this. One can never be too sure if the fog & mist are just as they seem.

Inside, it is warm yet equally frightful!
Creepy crawlies have gotten into the food & drink,
I so hope you don't mind!

What with all of the
party hopping
we're doing, I didn't want you to bust a gut, so I've laid out some
Pumpkin Cookies
Candy (of course!)
Apple Cinnamon Herbal Tea
Autumn Spice Coffee
Magic Hot Cocoa!

Yes, magic!
Watch it turn from brown & white
ight Before Your Very Eyes!

For the more adventurous souls,
try a glass of
red, purple or green...
My personal vintage!


Huh hem.

I hope you enjoy your visit!
I'm so very pleased to meet all of you
hope that we will see one another again soon!

Hosted by
A Fanciful Twist

Welcome Everyone from A Fanciful Twist!
Please enjoy the slide show below until I return home later (on Saturday) and join in the fun!

I will be updating this post as soon as I get home.

Thanks so much for stopping by
I'll be seeing y'all soon!
Happy Hauntings!


Anonymous said…
WOW Jo I'm impressed with your decorating. Makes me think of my mother-in-law's creativity with holidays. I'd bet you'd love one of her Dannewitch (she hand makes these witches out of different type of items and they come out amazing.). I think she should sell them b/c their very festive and cute!
Linda said…
Beautiful decorations everywhere. Fantastic. LIndax
Please drop by
Maggi said…

What a fun slide show, I love the fun cookie cutters and that handsome kitty with the pumpkin!

I'm visiting from Beyond to celebrate the spookiest Halloween blog party ever! I hope you are having a fang-tastic time today! You are cordially invited to share in the celebration at my party HERE. I do hope you'll stop by!

Have a spook-tacular day!
Pixie said…
Ohhh, I can't wait to see more! I'm so enjoying my first ever blog party experience!
Unknown said…
You can't go wrong with the "Peanuts" theme song!
Great slides. Will return later. Must go see what my friends are up to. Won't you please stop by for faerie cakes and tea later?

Happy Halloween!
Anonymous said…
Happy Halloween Party to you! :)
Thank you Heather!

Thanks to everyone so far for stopping by and I'll be seeing y'all soon!!!
SewPaperPaint said…
Love your table! Fun glimpse of NJ! Thanks for partying!
~ Autumn Clark
Room to Inspire said…
Perfectly spooky!

Greetings Deary! You've conjured up great spirit on this spooky Party Post!
Won't you drop by & enjoy some Tea & Cake & a little Witchy Warlock Movie...put up your stripy legs & leave the broomto de-smoke for a while!

WUGS (Witchy Hugs) & a wish...'May Magic Forever Soar Within Your Little Heart''

Must Fly Deary!

Thanks so much for inviting me in. I had a bewitching time! Have a magical weekend! Twyla
Snap said…
Wonderful decor! Happy Happy Halloween. Party On!
Thanks so much for stopping by Witchies!
Marina Capano said…
Fatastic Halloween post!

I love it!

Happy Haloween!

Whisperings 13 said…
what a wonderfuly haunting post! The cocoa was devine! yum, yum!!
Happy hauntings!!
Chrisy said…
You look goulishly gorgeous darling! Thank you for your hospitality! Please point your broom over in my direction for more treats...if you haven't flown in already!
Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you've enjoyed your visit as much as I have!
SpiritMama said…
A Charlie Brown Christmas, that's my hubby's fav!
I wish I could reach in and grab a cookie, they look sooo good!

Thanks for visiting my blog, and for inviting me to your party!
Jeanne said…
What a ghoulishly great Party! The feast was frightfully filling! And what a lovely Hostess we have. I enjoyed myself! And do hope you enjoyed your visit at my humble home.

You left me hanging regarding your ghost story......

Happy Haunting!
Unknown said…
monster wishes,
mealy monster land
Deborah said…
First of all...30 something??NO WAY. I thought you were in high school! Also, my wrinkly little old eye greatly appreciate the large font! The slide show of your decorations was Delightful! Do stop by and party with Alice and Dead Bob, if you dare! **kisskiss** Deborah
Suzy said…
Thank you Jo! What fun - I love your music! happy Haunting!

Sorry Jeanne, you're right, I did!

Thanks to all for stopping by my humble haunted abode!
What fun! Thanks for the invite!

Party on~
Sarah Sullivan said…
Oooo delicious treats - thank you for having me to you lovely party!! Fly by mine if you can!
Happy Halloween, Sarah
AwtemNymf said…
I love your decorations and I'm sugar buzzed and luvin' it *winks*
I flew in from Vanessa's Magical Party!
I enjoyed my visit! <{:O)
Be Enchanted!
The party is still going strong here! Thanks to those who've stopped by since the last time I checked in! I've replenished all the goodies so make yourselves at home!
Just an FYI: I will be responding to each comment in one final comment once the party winds down.
Chickenbells said…
You had a truly enchanting party here...thank you so much for letting me stop by! I hope you have a Happy Halloween...
Kelly said…
A haunting picture of the fog and great treats!

Happy Halloween, Kelly
Lynn Stevens said…
ohhhh I bet your place looks cool at night! Love your decor. Thanks for stopping by my party as well!
Sueann said…
Great party and such wonderful treats. The fog reminds me of the movie, "The Fog". Scary!!!!! Stop by my party.
Shell said…
I'm glad I stopped by and the hot magic cocoa was quite yummy. I love watching all your decorations.
Jeanne said…
Love the slide show! :0)

Thanks for sharing your experience! And quite an interesting one it was! I do believe the Judge was speaking to you (I got goosebumps when reading your post)!

Happy Haunting!
So many visitors still arriving! I'm giddy with excitement! Thanks so much for stopping by!!!
Claudia said…
Such fun decorations... good work

thanks for letting us join in the fun!

What a great celebration! Please stop by and while they might be a bit on the slacking side, come see some of the cutest Witches on the planet! Would love for you to stop by if you have a moment.

TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥
Love your home and all your spooky fabulousness, you are super lovely!

I would like one of those pumpkin cookies ;) right about now!

Bwuahahahaaaaaaaa ~ thank you for being a delightful part of the festivities!!
Anonymous said…
Fun decorations and I love the music:D

Happy Haunting

Laume said…
Merry Meet - you look lovely in your gypsy witch outfit - very fetching. I think your different font sizes made the party more interesting, actually. Most exciting though - you have the same plates as me!!! I LOVE those plates. LOVE them. I have the cups too. Do you have the cups?! Hmmm, perhaps I'm being too perky. (Note to self: Don't scare the nice hostess - take the perkiness down a notch. Deep breath). There, all better now. So, do you have the cups too? :D
Unknown said…
Hi, Wonderful Halloween post! Great Halloween decorations ! Happy Halloween to you!
Heather said…
Your decorating is fantastic!!

Please stop by my party for a giveaway and fun!
Wonderful decorating and post!
Come on over to our party and giveaway at
Divaeva said…
Thanks for the cookies and tea!
October blessings!
Anonymous said…
Gee, it's a shame you don't like Halloween.
TRICK! Hee hee! As in Trick or Treat! Your pictures are treats through and through! My goodness gracious, i love all of your pupkins-and obviously so does your kitty! :-)
And i am positively drooling over the table...yummmmmm
I'm glad i decided to keep crashing parties (working girls party when they can)
Happy Halloween!!!
Boozy Tooth said…
Dearest Jo,

Thank you so much for the delightful party!

Do please accept my humble apologies for joining your party so late. You see... I was traveling home from New York on Saturday and had no computer access. Now I'm playing catch-up and visiting all of Vanessa's wonderful parties.

Thank you so much for flying over to Casa Hice on your broom and leaving your little petite witchy footprints on my welcome mat. Do come again, as the door is always open.

Happy Halloween!

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