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Today's Writing Piece

Friday, August 15, 2008 3:33:01 PM

More Random thoughts!

Oh dear. The psycho chicks Mom that lives across the courtyard from us is wearing LEOPARD SPANDEX SHORTS. To say that she REALLY shouldn’t be wearing them has nothing to do with her age and I’ll leave it at that!!!

I over slept this morning and have been playing catch up ever since! I’ve been automatically waking up around 7am/7:30am every morning recently. Today, I awoke and the clock said 9:30am on the nose! But, sometimes my “monthly visitor” takes a lot out of me, so I’m guessing that’s the reason for it! (Of course, now whenever I over sleep for no apparent reason, I panic! When I did so last September, I awoke to find one of my kitties dead as a door nail and as stiff as one too! But, I feel that God let me sleep that day so I wouldn’t have to be hysterical the ENTIRE day!)

This week has been really bad for me and my dyslexia and motor skill coordination! I’ll have to keep an eye on it and see if it continues, if so, I may have to mention it to my Dr. when I go for a check up on 9/3. (Unless it gets drastically worse, of course! Then I’ll call!) I’m not sure if it has to do with allergy medicine fog or what. Could be distraction. Could just be another stepping stone I’ll have to deal with in my health ups & downs. (I’ve had the problems for a while now (years) and sometimes it acts up and is worse than at other times). It’s making my already frustrating writing issues all that much harder to deal with! When one’s trying to get past a writing block, that is exhausting! When one’s trying to do so at the same time her brain and hands don’t want to get along & work together, it’s down right deflating and my entire being gets tired!

It’s nearly time to get ready – We’re going to a benefit dinner for the Memorial Fund for our Friends’ son tonight. The costs for the funeral home and airline to fly them and his body home from Georgia along with the costs of the funeral home here having to meet them at the airport in addition to the wake and the funeral & uncovered medical costs have been astronomical! They’ve spent over $100,000. Both sets of Grand Parents have given them money, our American Legion Post has given them donations they’ve collected (to which we gave $100 though I wish we could’ve given more) and there have been 3 benefits prior to this one. No one wants them to lose their home or struggle after all this and they’ve still got 2 children with them at home!

My Mom has been persnickety about the entire thing. “Didn’t they have health insurance for him?” Most likely since they both work for Borough’s, but who knows how good the coverage was/is?! There’s always additional co-pays and the like! Not everything’s covered for a hospital! “Didn’t they have life insurance for him?” Uh, no probably not! HE WAS 8 YEARS OLD for crissakes! “Well, I had that life insurance for you…” Yes, but that wasn’t until HIGH SCHOOL and you were required to purchase it then! “Oh.” (Her newfound revisionist memory is REALLY ticking me off at times!)

She went with us to a benefit dinner at American Legion Post 321 in Union Beach last December for an Army Sargent who was severely injured & permanently disabled in Iraq. We didn’t know him or the family. Tonight is for OUR FRIENDS’ SON and she won’t go!

“It’s going to be a rather somber affair, don’t you think?” ARE YOU FREAKIN’ KIDDING ME?! (My Aunt just looked at her and raised her eyebrows in surprise!) It’s a benefit for the Memorial Fund for our Friends’ 8 year old son who hasn’t even been gone a month (Sunday, 8/17 is a month)… I figure it’s going to be a hell of a good time! (Sarcasm). Come on!

Am I really related to this woman?!


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