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My Final National Novel Writing Month update!

About the Author:
Novel: Me in a Blog! (Non-fiction) Genre: Other Genres
59,408 words so far (& done as of 11/26/07)

Me in a Blog! (Non-fiction) an excerpt:

this is me, my story as it were, told through the posts in my blog, from 2006 through the present in 2007. i write about, but not limited to, the following: the loss of my daughter, battling depression & frequent auto-immune/compromised immune system illnesses & migranes, my hubby the marine, my gardening obsessions, what books i've read that are amazing, my trials & tribulations with writing, trying to knit, taking pics, things that piss me off, things that make me happy, my mom, the holidays, friends, movies, cooking...

***disclaimer: i am not trying to pass this off as something i just wrote within the past 30 days! what i have done throughout this month of november is switch from a fiction story that i was writing to gathering my blog posts from march of 2006 to the present.

i have been sick since the beginning of september with a virus that's been moving around & won't go away and i was so tired for most of november that i just couldn't focus on writing fiction! i haven't even been journaling! (my motor skills and a lack of coordination of them as well as a slight problem with dyslexia on top of all that just wasn't helping me either!) but, i've been posting on my blog, which in some ways has replaced my journal.

i'm hoping that next year i will be well enough to write something from scratch. (i have on-going health obstacles!) this is very raw, very gramatically incorrect in many cases, in all different fonts & colors... i shudder to think of them all!!! but, i am actually proud of myself for getting this all together and done on time! believe me, this is an accomplishment for me!

to those who have written from scratch, my hats off to you! kudo's! you are amazing!***


windy city girl said…
Keep up the good work! I'm so proud of you!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on winning NaNoWriMo! I am an instructor at Misque, a juried writer's retreat for authors with complete (or nearly complete!) novels, who want to take the next step and prepare it to be sent to agents and editors. Space is limited to twenty people.

If you think you might be interested, check out or email me at

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