This pot is centered in front of the living room windows. It's where I transplanted my butterfly weed, white cone flower and purple cone flower after digging them up this spring. As you can see, even though it looks pink, the purple cone flower has come back! I also planted some mixed cut bouquet flower seeds in this pot and it looks as though some baby's breath and celosia are taking off along with another flower - maybe dwarf sunflower? - I won't be able to identify for anothe couple of days when the buds begin to open.
Welcome to my post! To visit other participants, please head over to the Practical Magic Blog Party 2010 blog. I must say that while I think Practical Magic the movie is adorable, I think the novel is incredible. And that is where I gleaned my inspiration from for these festivities. Gardens are mysterious, magical and enchanting, don't you think? Now follow me out into the garden, I have everything all ready for you, including music! (Turn your volume on). *Update: Music has reverted to my regular Fall soundtrack, 9/28/2010* For all of you non Practical Magic Blog Party folks, head on over to NJ Through My Eyes where I've posted 2 new slide-shows today; one is a preview of a new project I'm working on!