Taken this past sat @ a local 'salt water day' celebration! These just may be my favorite fireworks displays of summer! Sure, many towns round here have fireworks at the water, but you can go walk out on the jetty pier, out into the bay away from the lights and watch from there. They're set off from another jetty pier and the water glows and shimmers - it's gorgeous! The weather was gorgeous too! An early taste of autumn it was! I think the horrid hot ' humid weather has made me cabin feverish again! (just as the cold weather that started way too late ' stayed too long into spring this year did!) i'm craving the outdoors, more specifically the sounds of the ocean and the songs of the summer bugs! Well, it's getting late ' i'm falling asleep while texting this! Ta ta for now!
Welcome to my post! To visit other participants, please head over to the Practical Magic Blog Party 2010 blog. I must say that while I think Practical Magic the movie is adorable, I think the novel is incredible. And that is where I gleaned my inspiration from for these festivities. Gardens are mysterious, magical and enchanting, don't you think? Now follow me out into the garden, I have everything all ready for you, including music! (Turn your volume on). *Update: Music has reverted to my regular Fall soundtrack, 9/28/2010* For all of you non Practical Magic Blog Party folks, head on over to NJ Through My Eyes where I've posted 2 new slide-shows today; one is a preview of a new project I'm working on!