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Showing posts from January, 2021

Monday Musings

The squirrels and birds are out in full force in the wooded area along the creek after a slow start on this bitter cold day. Blue Jays, Cardinals, Chickadees, Mourning Doves, a Pileated Woodpecker, all chattering loudly as they flit from tree to tree and dodge the squirrels chasing one another all over the place. They must feel the impending wintry weather approaching and seem to be preparing for a day of hunkering down tomorrow. The sky is hazy white with clouds, stretched thin as they slowly drag the storm behind them closer to us. Today is a day for laundry, and making a batch of soup in between trips to the washer & dryer. Maybe baking cookies. Fresh sheets & pillow cases, a pot of simmering split pea with ham, chocolate chip cookies warm from the oven with a hot cuppa tea. This way, tomorrow I will be free to sit by the windows and watch the snow fall; pick up my crochet again, an unfinished scarf I found while re-organizing my yarn shelves that I'm not determined to f...

Currently Reading- Wintering

Currently reading Wintering by Katherine May. This book kept showing up on my radar, but it wasn't until I read a piece in Country Living UK magazine by Katherine that I decided to take the plunge with Wintering. I've been taking my time with this book, reading it throughout this month. I'm actually a big fan of the winter season, and not at all of summertime. So in essence, summer is my winter. But no matter the time of year, we all go through wintering. Barely into the first few pages of this book I recommended it to two of my best friends because the Winter season is hard for them and I knew immediately this book could help. It's also giving me the permission I didn't know I needed to proudly revel in my love for Wintertime. I'll finish this evening. What are you reading today?

Pub Day Tuesday: The Last Garden In England

Happy Pub Day to Julia Kelly, The Last Garden In England is out now! "From the author of the international bestseller The Light Over London and The Whispers of War comes a poignant and unforgettable tale of five women living across three different times whose lives are all connected by one very special place." This book is everything I love about historical fiction: Strong female leads, a mystery to be solved and family secrets to be discovered. I also love the interwoven time lines of Emma, Venetia and Beth throughout this garden's history. My favorite part of this story is in fact the garden, the setting for the novel, and a living, breathing character in its own right. Being a gardener myself, I'm fascinated with gardens and love reading about them, fiction & nonfiction wise! Is The Last Garden In England on your TBR list? And do yourself a favor and add her other books too! Thank you again to @simonandschuster @gallerybooks and @netgalley for this gifted e-gal...

New Year's Day

New day. New year. No new me. There are many good intentions though. And hopes. We started off the new year right for us by property (land) hunting and dropping by the lake house to check on things! Yes, the lake has overflowed & froze much of our end of the island. No, it's not worrisome. Yes, it happens. Hasn't happened in a long time, but it can when there's a lot of rain + snow + ice melt during the season. I am never more myself than when I am here, in the mountains. Having started isolation a few days before Wed's IV, and still technically in isolation now since it's only two days post IV recoup, it felt So Good to get out of the house and outside for a while! (No contact with anyone except The Marine and no other stops so it's all good. It's lovely to be able to look at acreage without an in-person realtor via 'remote' appointments!! Had things like this only been possible for a spoonie like me before all the covid business!) When we left ...