My girlfriend, who started the Wednesday evening bookclub, is a teacher and she is doing a presentation on reading for the teachers at her school tomorrow (after the kids go home for the day). She asked me if I could send her a photo of myself either holding a favorite book or in front of one of my bookcases because I am the inspiration for who she wants her students to be as readers! Is that awesome and humbling or what?!
I'm not much of a fan of having my picture taken or of taking my own, but, I was so touched by her request (choked up in fact) and the reason for it, I couldn't say no! This is the photo I took today to send her:
Often we don't think we make an impact on those around us. Often we do, but we don't usually find out.
Imagine what a difference it could make to that person if we did tell them?!
I can tell you it's made a difference with me.
Have you told that person who inspires you that they do and why? Well go on then and go ahead!