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Showing posts from January, 2010

Funny Friday

Thursday in Pics (1 of 2)

Awoke to snow, a pleasant surprise! Sun returned early this afternoon, snow melted & the cold front began moving in. Something I'm trying with my photo's ~ it's not finished yet. :-) Yes, indeed! Full Moon!

Thursday in Pics (2 of 2)

While we were already in the dark, the hills were ablaze with the setting sun. Sunsets here are so pretty when there are clouds! (View from our front porch!) Full moon rising! View from our front porch. And last but not least, Miss Boo. (Just because!)
I posted larger versions of these over at NewJerseyThroughMyEyes but I wanted to post them here too because I just happen to love them! Up north at 'home away from home' there are random gatherings of abandoned camping trailers and motor homes. We love to go exploring through them! They always leave me wondering why they were left behind. What happened to those who once owned & cared for them?


I love that our other home (aka Home Away From Home) is near the Appalachian Trail and Sunrise Mountain. Just that much brings me great joy, for which I have no reason other than, "just because." Watching a recent documentary about the Applachian Trail on NatGeo was exciting because they showed an aerial view of Sunrise Mountain. We're roughly 5 minutes from it. It is a place of Incredible beauty.

Around Home Away From Home


We brought our new baby, er, heh hum, our new Computer home yesterday afternoon and I am just plain smitten ! We stayed with an HP Pavilion and got a great deal on it at Best Buy. It's a lot to get used to and will take me a long time to go through all of my files from the old computer & get them in order, but so far I'm very happy with this purchase. It may also take me a bit to get posting with photo's (more so on New Jersey Through My Eyes than here) but I'm glad to be back up & running on a pc that works this well and is this fast! (Seriously though, I think it has the ability to take over the world as we know it!) In other news, I had my follow up with my Rheumologist this morning. No MRI's or X-rays of my lower back as of yet, but he's put me on some additional meds and if they haven't controlled or stopped this flare-up by the time I see him again a month from today, we'll go that route. (This way the insurance won't disput...

Experiencing Technical Difficulties, Please Stand By!

On the personal front: Thankfully the flare-up which started this past Tuesday began slowly easing up yesterday. This one has been such a doozey, even surprising me! Hubby's usual comedic "bedside manner" was no where to be found (also thankfully!) and he was very kind & caring throughout, taking care of me. (That's the hard part - being taken care of). On the technology front: Our computer went somewhat peacefully last night. I felt the end was near given the sudden glitches I was running in to and quickly copied what ever files I hadn't backed up yet before conceding defeat and pulling the plug. 8 or 9 years is a long life for a computer and we got more than our monies worth from it. Oddly enough, while I was frustrated last night, I'm not freaking out about this. Am I thrilled to have to spend $500 the same week the pickup is going into the shop? Not so much. Perhaps had this happened before 5 consecutive days of excruciating pain I would be....

Snow Instead Of Sand

Sandy Hook Sandy Hook looking towards Atlantic Highlands Sandy Hook Lighthouse Sandy Hook Lighthouse Sandy Hook Lighthouse I never tire of this place.

Gardens Past

In the garden

Just Because

Hubby arrived home yesterday with these, my favorites, " Just because ." And then we went to our favorite restaurant, " Just because ." For a few hours, I forgot all about the painful arthritis flareup I've been having since the day before ~ all because of " Just because ." He's a wonderful man & a Blessing to me. I'm still smiling, just because .
Leaving our favorite restaurant last night, Francesco's in Highlands.

Special Announcement: A New Creative Adventure

(The Journey) As a result of the ever increasing popularity of unflattering NJ stereotypes (and my annoyance & disgust with them), for quite some time I have wanted to write about the NJ I know & love, but I haven't known or been able to figure out how to go about doing so & I became stuck on this topic. On Friday of last week I began journaling about my photo's & idea's for them as my creativity seems to be flowing in that direction as of late. In continuing that journaling on Sunday, I came to a number of conclusions, one being that I would like to do a book of my photo's called "New Jersey Through My Eyes" and that's when it hit me: Show don't Tell . Telling people about the NJ I experience every day won't have the same impact as Showing people what I see and the best way I can do that is through my photo's. Giddy excitement washed over me! (The New Creative Adventure) This revelation of sorts lead me to decide that I ...

My First Finished Read of 2010

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling My rating: 5 of 5 stars Enchanting. Delightful. Transportive. Brilliant. Wonderful. It is a rare occasion when, after having finished a read, I feel Blessed & better for having read it - this is one of those rare occasions. JK Rowling's writing is a true gift and I am glad it's being shared with the world. This is the kind of writing that reminds me of why I so love to read and why I love to write. View all my reviews >>
Coming home from Huber Woods.

On The Navesink - A Taste Of Spring

The fossil beds of Poricy Park

More Lovely Surprises to Brighten a Rough Day

I love when a simple trip to the mailbox on the front porch brings joy! Yesterday I received Audrey Niffenegger's newest novel, "Her Fearful Symmetry" from Goodreads friend Rachelle. Today I received the newest issue of Artful Blogging (the subscription was one of my Christmas gifts from Hubb's!) and the 2010 catalog from Brent and Becky's Bulbs all of which are helping to brighten what's been a (physically) painful day thus far. You all know that I started exercising again by walking (on the treadmill or outdoors) right after Christmas & before New Year's. Yesterday I added my hand weights for my arms for 15 of 30 minutes while walking on the treadmill and did crunches once my half an hour was finished. (Nothing I haven't done before and learned during my times at physical therapy). Sooner or later it was bound to happen that my body was going to begin serious protests against this whole exercising thing. (It always happens). I keep ha...

On The Hook

Looking from Fort Hancock (Sandy Hook/Gateway National Park) towards Earle Naval Weapons Station.

Silent Sunday

Whispers Of Our Past ("Whispers Of Our Past" is what I've decided to call my photo's of places like this, the old army base hotel a couple of posts back & so on).


Don't you just love them? I do! (Well, when they're good surprises). Especially when they arrive unexpectedly in the mail. Pictured above is my new lovely mirror from Jane of Snapdragon's Garden . I was the winner of her November fb give-away. I Adore anything she makes with her Jam pattern on it! (As well as anything she makes period, lol!) I've been following her blog since before "following" became the popular thing to do and I never cease to find beauty and inspiration there. She has a wonderful online shop as well, "Inspired by life in snapdragon's garden" where you can see all of her wonderful creations. Thank you again Jane!

January Garden Blogger's Bloom Day

Even with the prolonged below freezing temps we've had, my Butterfly Bush is waking from it's short slumber & looking towards Spring. See May Dreams Gardens for more on Garden Blogger's Bloom Day.

The View From My Writing Table

(Red-Tailed Hawk)


Whispers Of Our Past

Two for Tuesday

(Belated) Mute Monday

Ever Feel Like You're Being Watched?

I certainly do. LOL!