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Showing posts from April, 2007


first of all, hubby's got edema (extreme swelling) in both ankles and while his doctors don't think it's cardiac related, he's still got to have chest (and feet/ankle & hand/wrist) xrays, a neuclear stress test and an echo cardiogram to be sure. sat 5/5 is his last day with agent orange (aka the company from HELL) and the benefits rep just told him today that our health coverage will end SUNDAY! and he won't get the cobra paperwork until he's officially out of agent oranges computer system which takes 2 to 3 weeks! excuse me?! there is such a thing as "the right to continuation of coverage for 30 days after voluntarily or in voluntarily leaving employment." NOT ACCORDING TO AGENT ORANGE! so, i've set him up for ALL his xrays and tests for this week and he's calling united healthcare directly as soon as he gets home. not to mention that i'm trying to get together a surprise party for him when he gets home on saturday to celebrate his new...


i found a recommendation for this book on Alpaca Rose's blog (see links!), requested it from the library and finally got a hold of it 2 weeks ago. i just finished it today and i'm devastated! (a bit dramatic but i am always disappointed when a great read is over!) the ending took a turn i wasn't expecting (initial devastation!) and i'm not going to say anything to spoil the read for anyone! don't let the knitting part deter you ~ i'd love this book even if i didn't knit! this is going on my fav reads of all time list! i just want to go right back to the beginning and start reading it again! (but i can't because i can't renew it since there's another hold on it!)
my thoughts and deepest sympathies are with the students, faculty and families of those injured and needlessly killed yesterday at virginia tech.

links are now "sites of interest!"

in adding (and deleting) some links today, i changed the name of my links section! i've posted new links for: ~ a show called the manic organic with antony john aka my new inspiration! antony john is an ogranic produce farmer and supplier in canada. he combines organic gardening how-to segments on the ingriedients that will be used in that days recipes. he grows most of the ingriedients himself or gets them from other local organic dairy, cattle & mushroom, etc. farms. he's also quite a character and it's a very entertaining and informative show! this link brings you to a description of the show and the show times on the discovery home channel. (if you miss him on monday nights @ 10p & 10:30p, he repeats on tuedays throughout the day on the same channel!) there's no actual site for him or his show, nor are the recipes listed anywhere online! (bummer!) ~ the organic cook's bible! i took this out of the local library after doing a search on trying to find out ...

catchin' up!

haven't been posting much as of late ~ no particular reason why! i've actually been writing on a regular basis for just over a month now! spirited singleton & i exchange a minimum of a page of writing every mon, wed & fri. (see my links for her blog!) it's been really good for us both actually! monday i got back into my classes & assignments and took 2 exams. (got 100% on interior decorating and an 85% on landscape design). i've really slacked off since getting that nasty bout of bronchitis & penumonia in january. been better health wise since finally getting over that in late february ~ and i'd been sick with a sinus infection since the beginning of december - almost 3 months sick! (par for the course for me!) but my near daily headaches have returned & it would seem i'm headed back down the chronic migrane road again! i had chronic headaches & migranes from the time i was 5 up into my mid 20's. i can tell you i don't t...

Happy Easter!