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What does a new year mean/symbolize to you?

Right off the bat, the thought of a new year makes me sad. New Year's Eve is, and always has been, depressing for me. It signals the end of my favorite time of year (the Holidays, including Halloween) and the beginning of what I call the "ho-hum" time of year (which lasts for me until the Holidays roll around again). No matter how much I'm in love with Winter or the beginning of Spring, it doesn't change this for me. (Thank God I discovered gardening to get me through the warm months of the year!)

Some years it's harder than others for me to get through this time. Focusing on something positive, like my overall intention for the coming new year, has been a great way to help me through the end of one year and the beginning of the next. I begin journaling on my "word" for the coming year around the Winter Solstice. I've moved onto a new word for 2011 ("create") from "simplicity" which I focused on in 2009 and 2010.

I will say that 2010 was Not a good year for me overall and I have not been sad in the least to say goodbye to it. I survived it, barely. (And that's literally, not figuratively!)

New Year's Day is always a better day for me than NYE. I open all of the windows to the fresh air no matter how cold, open the front door to welcome the new year in and open the back door to let the old year out. (One of those New Year's 'good luck' traditions I came upon online some years back). This year is wasn't bitter cold on New Year's so I left everything open for a while. In recent years on New Year's, we've gone for a walk in one of the many wooded parks where we live but this year there was still too much snow on the ground from the 12/26/10 blizzard for that to be possible so we had a relaxing day at home. Later in the day one of our (many!) nephews came over to warm up on his way home from the annual polar bear plunge he does with a friend not to far from our home.

Honestly, because of how 2010 went for me and how optimistic & excited I was at the beginning of last year (so many plans outlined in my journal!), I'm afraid to be the same way this January. I don't want to have another year to look back on that saddens me so because of the months & months of nothing in my journal and planner, reminding me of how derailed my life became. So this January, I return to being cautiously optimistic.

I know and appreciate my many (many) Blessings, but make no mistake, living with disease is a very hard life (and not just for me but for my loved ones as well). I'm still recovering, getting better daily, taking each day as it comes and hoping to, at the very least, stay this course.


Sue Jackson said…
First, I love our new banner - gorgeous collection of photos!

I'm just the opposite - I love the start of a new year and get caught up in the excitement of a fresh start. These days, I find the holiday season exhausting, so I'm fine with saying goodbye to it.

Even though I often don't meet the goals I set in January, I'm an eternal optimist and still enjoy contemplating the possibilities of a new year!

I like your idea of focusing on a single concept.

So...Happy New Year!

Mrs. Fry said…
I do not like the whole idea of New Year's Eve and that whole celebration, and I agree there are the ho-hum drums of January and February, but once March rolls around, I am in my glory. I love March and April. I actually dislike July and August most of all.

Jo, when is your birthday?

Celebrate each day as something special!

I do know what you mean.
Judy said…
I do like the new year, but I love fall the best. I too hope 2011 is better than 2010. Let's hope we both have better years.
I feel kind of sad at New Year's, too. I think because the magic and excitement of the holiday season is over. But I try to find things that make me happy and make me smile. Like my pups, and creating, and nature. You are very strong in spirit, and I hope the New Year brings you health and happiness! Theresa
Cindy said…
I love, love your new header (?), banner, whatever it is called. Great, great pictures!
I'm with you on not being sorry to kiss 2010 good-bye. Hope 2011 is wonderful for both of us Jo!!
Vi said…
I too LOVE the holidays, from Halloween until NYE.

I took my Christmas tree down this week. Quite sad.

I hope that 2011 will be better for you!
Thanks Sue! (re the header) Happy New Year to you as well!

Thank you Brenda :-) I messaged you with my bday.

I hope we do Judy, for sure!

Thank you Theresa, I wish the same for you!

Thank you Cindy and I agree! SO LONG 2010!!!

Thank you Viola! :-)

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