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Simple Pleasures

I started this list of sorts as a result of a thread by Laura on in the Chicks On Lit group about a local morning dj in her area asking for people's "simple pleasures." Today I kept going with this and below are all of my replies so far! I eventually want to add this as a side-bar to my blog here so they're always visible and I can add to it from time to time!

I likened this in a way to "Gratitude" journaling in that as I think of each one, I not only appreciate them but am thankful for having each experience!

Friday, September 19, 2008
Simple Pleasures:
The way Hubby talks softly & loving (& sometimes sexy!) in my ear each morning when he wakes

Watching a flowers 1st blooms open in my garden

A nice hot cup of tea when I've got a sore throat

A nice hot bath when I'm sick and/or in a lot of pain

When one of my favorite nephews called me Aunt Jo for the 1st time last week

The sight of the 1st Autumn and Halloween merchandise in the stores


When the 1st leaves begin to turn and the evenings get cool

The scent of wood smoke in the air, a light breeze rustling the trees and standing under a bright full moon

A book that I can't help but read as much as possible because it's so good but yet I purposely slow down towards the end because I'm sad for it to be over already

Cloudy cool days, all the windows and doors open wide, candles lit, no tv, no radio, sometimes the sound of the rain

Care Bears!

My Little Pony!



The Moon

Watching the movies Little Women, Fried Green Tomato's & Coal Miner's Daughter

Spooking myself watching scarey movie marathons in October for Halloween!

Knitting and finishing a scarf

Going to Cape May after Labor Day! (October's the best!)

Going up to my Sister-in-law's cabin in PA where there's no tv, no landline phone and spotty cell service!

A glass of wine and watching Sex and the City, Roseanne or Grace Under Fire re-runs

The pungent scent of the flowers in my garden on a stifling humid day

Learning a new knitting stitch

The first pansy's and petunia's out for sale in Spring at the foodstore and garden center

The 1st time, as Summer ends and Autumn begins, when I can have a cup of tea at any time of the day and not break a sweat drinking it!!!

Sitting out on the front porch or in the back yard, in amongst the flowers & butterflies, listening to the crickets & birds chirping!

In early Summer, stepping outside just as dusk begins and watching lightning bugs coming up from the grass, taking flight for the evening, blinking greenish lights everywhere you can see!

Relaxing at Panera w/their wonderful teas, pastries, soups and sandwiches - made even better when I'm there with my BFF's Gillian and Brenda!

Looking in the mirror and seeing that I look skinnier instead of being bloated and chubbed out!

Experiencing some place new with Hubby

Seeing my Grand Niece Emily's entire 1 yr old little face smile when she smiles and holding her!

Discovering the Halloween and Christmas Charlie Brown specials on TV while randomly flipping channels!!!

The scent (thru the whole house!) of brownies baking in the oven!


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